The Swiss Science Council SSC is composed of 15 members who have proven interdisciplinary competencies in the fields of science, vocational education and training, and innovation. Since 2021, the Council is chaired by Sabine Süsstrunk.

From left to right: Prof. Laurent Sciboz, Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Prof. Dr. Sabine Seufert, Dr. Bryn Roberts, Prof. Dr. Jane Royston, Prof. Dr. Sabine Süsstrunk (President), Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Triscone, Prof. Dr. Dominique Foray, Prof. Dr. Markus Kern, Prof. Dr. Susanne Burghartz, Prof. Dr. Sophie Martin, Prof. Dr. Gabriel Aeppli, Prof. Dr. Christiane Pauli-Magnus.

The members of the Council

The Council members are selected by the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation together with the president of the SSC. They are then vetted by the Federal Chancellery for conflicts of interest before being presented to the Federal Council, which makes the final decisions.
During the selection and nomination process, special care is taken to ensure that the heterogeneity of the ERI landscape is reflected in the composition of the Council. As an extra-parliamentary committee, the Council must also adhere to various criteria such as gender and language as well as regional and institutional representation. Elections to extra-parliamentary committees takes place every four years. Membership in the Council is limited to three terms, i.e., twelve years.
When working for the Council, members are obliged to express their own personal views and opinions, and not those of their home institutions. This helps to ensure the independence of the SSC.


Prof. Dr. Sabine Süsstrunk
Bildung, Wissenschaft und Innovation bilden eine symbiotische Beziehung im Kern unseres Systems. Wenn sie sich gegenseitig stimulieren, profitiert die Gesellschaft.

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Aeppli
Die beste Grundlagenforschung hat auch die besten Anwendungen – man weiss nur nicht wann.

Prof. Dr. Susanna Burghartz

Globale Gesellschaften brauchen die Komplexität der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften.

Prof. Dr. Dominique Foray
«L'innovation plus qu'une profession, une passion!» (Théophile Foray)

Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey


Prof. Dr. Markus Kern


Prof. Dr. Sophie Martin

Prof. Dr. Christiane Pauli-Magnus

«Jeder Versuch eines Einzelnen, für sich zu lösen, was alle angeht, muss scheitern.» (Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker)

Dr. Bryn Roberts
Prof. Dr. Jane Royston
Innovation is what makes Switzerland, Switzerland.

Prof. Laurent Sciboz

Osons l’expérimentation et la disruption.
Osons réaliser, faire des erreurs, apprendre de celles-ci pour progresser ensemble et partager nos nouveaux savoirs.

Prof. Dr. Sabine Seufert

Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Triscone
Soutenir fortement la recherche et en particulier la recherche fondamentale, c’est assurer l’avenir de la Suisse.